Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Find Something. Get Involved.

Find something. Get involved.

Now, said to the tune of Thou Shalt - Dan le sac. vs. Scroobius Pip
Go draw something.
Go sing louder in the shower.
Go help an old lady across the road.
Go make a sandwich for a homeless fella.
Go make someone's day
Go give a sad man a hug

STOP ignoring those people who you share this world with.

I think CREATION, CREATivity (not creationism) in any way shape or form are our future and our children's future. Let's push things forward.

Ok, first blog. EVER. Cliché cliché cliché. Blah blah blah about my morals and values and how this is going to change the world. You know what. If I am the only person who reads this then that's probably one person to many.

Let's face it, a bajillion (that is a empirical term for measuring blogs) blogs exist already and i am another one.

Personal mini rant:

I genuinely think there is far more to the world than pure academics. The government seems to think similar (but they've got it all wrong to be honest). They seem to be very reactionary with regard to the education system with this newfound need for vocational/skills-based educations. Yes, it is fair that they are needed and they serve an important purpose and pay well. I would say they keep people out of trouble but I've got no idea to be honest - there are two sides to every story.

So, the more than pure academics bit - I was given a strong academic education. Great. Taught me a bunch of stuff that I know a little bit about but generally not enough to have a conversation, while warping my mentality towards money of self-satisfaction. Like the Murphy's I'm not bitter. Without it I would never have had the exposure (no flashers - or maybe just none at me - is that something to be conscious of... no one has ever flashed me. why?) art, creativity, 'blue skies thinking' [Heston] - basically getting your hands dirty - physically and mentally.

"In my day" moment.

I want to be able to look back on my 20s and 30s with a smug grin. I want to know that in a world where most things are governed my how much, how soon and how often, people started to pay attention to personal happiness in a selfish semi-utopian kinda way.

Apparently every selfless act is underpinned by selfishness. Either I'm quoting someone or I am seriously on some kind of role. BUT. Those selfless acts do, in their nature, benefit others.

Gwannn, do SOMETHING.

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