Friday, 30 April 2010

There is hope yet - it's name is Ze Frank

I'm not a bad person. I try and live my life in a way that doesn't offend anyone. I always work hard to make people happy sometime/often at my own expense. That's the way it is sometimes...

So, life hasn't been all that great over the last couple months, some bad things happen. I pretty much lost alot of faith in humanity, human nature and human psyche. People are great but they also ruin everything (look at our beautiful planet). I am a massive people person (not as in, like massive people) but sometimes, you give up on looking on the bright side. Sometimes there are too many (little) things digging away at you that life's delicate balance gets upset and everything falls down. Sometimes you just want someone to wrap you up in a human duvet (i think that's called a hug) without having to ask. I ask people if they are ok if they are out of sorts or if they are sad. This is one of the reasons I started writing my thoughts down. It helps y'know. I know no one is reading this but it still helps sometimes.

OK, this is sounding morose but stick with it because there is a......... BUT. As that great philosopher or our times (not sure how sarcastic I'm being here by the way so cut me some slack) - Kanye West once said:

That that dont kill me,
Will only make me stronger.

Too true.

So, when I was forwarded a link to Ze Frank's (cooool name) Chillout I was COMPLETELY overwhelmed with relief -more happiness and joy but relief as well. This man is a genius. This man is the truest example of a good natured human being.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check this out. Pay him a bit of money to download the track. Read the story. Take it's ideologies on board. The world needs more people like this. Beautiful.

Thank you Hosea Frank - a modern day hero

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Speach Speech

Speech Debelle - Speech Therapy. I wish I knew how to link to the album... check it on spotify or something.

I have been lucky enough to have been listening to Speech for a few years now. I first heard her back in the glory days of Colin Murray's Radio 1 show in November 2008 (when I was a lad. i miss that fella. genuine inspiration to me. Grimmy isnt so bad though)... First saw her as an impromptu fill-in support act for Gary Go album launch at the Luminiare Club in Kilburn ROUGHLY this time last year.

It was one of those thunderbolt moments when KABAM, she came on the radio. Insta-cream. I genuinely thought everything about Searching (probably her most famous and well known track) was 'perfect'. Like i said. THUNDERBOLT. I LOVE the drums *tis tis-tis. tis tis-tis* and the drummer, the simple melody line. couple that with the vaguely frenetic lilting vocals then there we are. Her use of pragmatic turns of phrase (I am still waxing jizzical over Searching by the way - stick with me), easy vocabulary and fairly cutting content leaves me in a blissful (get used to me using that word) state of mind. Simple. Effective. Joyful to listen to.

THEN she goes and releases an album [insert token 'she won the mercury prize' comment here] that takes you through a few different states of mind, a few emotional key changes, an awesome blend of instruments and arrangements - SMASH. You got one of those albums that you start listening to (Searching is the opener) and then listen all the way through to the end - effortlessly.

Highlights - the clarinets, double bass... the drums (not the band the drums, I mean the percussion section. Literally. The. Drums).

Tracks to download if you want convincing:
Live and Learn
Wheels in Motion

Live, she was funny. I laughed out loud (if i ever use LOL hurt me) doesn't happen often (or maybe I just don't notice). Performing as a three piece, Speech, drums and double-bass. Technically brilliant. Audbily mezmerising. Left me wanting more.

Now, me being me, and my memory being what it was at the time, and all the things that meant i couldn't remember her name

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Mass Debate should = mass appeal

So, I went out last night. That happens. I went to a debate only the second in my history not including school. The first was about art in the public eye and whether it has a role in Community (with a capital 'C' apparently).

This one was called Instigate Debate - 'is the Party over'. Not only did they manage to lure me by offering a blend of interesting political topics, (despite me utter dissolution with politics, political discussion and politicians), music and comedy.

Simon Hughes MP was outstanding to watch and listen to. He was not aloof and patronising his points were based around tangible (seeming) facts. He did not spend any time cursing the other parties, merely 'preached' what he and his party (Lib Dems) believed WHICH, I think is the closest to representing the newer, under-30s generations. They are our future. It has nothing to do with the fact that I suddenly like the colour yellow either.

Harriet Harmann MP who, personally, I feel epitomises the ruinous, archaic political system we languish in. She was eloquent and a good speaker, actually made a point I clapped at one stage BUT, I'm sorry, she, in no way, inspired confidence. Merely reinforced disillusion.

Peter Tactchell MP was as I expected. Slightly militant, shared many view of the common person but SADLY prioritised what seems to be unachieveable goals over substantial improvement for the greater good. What do I mean? Too much dreaming perhaps?

There was the Tory MP for Putney there - she filled in for an absent Vivienne Westwood (gutted she wasn't there). I forget her name. Sadie or Susie of something. AWFUL. I am genuinely surprised she is allowed out of her cage. She embarrassed herself and her party. Bless her.

So, honestly, the main reason I considered turning up was to see Shlomo... no, sorry...SHLOMO... [where's sparkle-text when you need it]. If this man was a political party, I'd vote for him. If he was a car, i'd buy him, if he was food... i'd errmmmm... cook him? Maybe? In a nice way? Not only is he clearly the most humble, genuinely intelligent and unnaturally musically gifted but he is also one of the coolest innovators music has at the moment. I could spend most of my day waxing lyrical about why this gentleman is the perfect representative of a generation. Y'know what. I might... later. If have been lucky enough to follow his rise to cult sub-culture hero for the last few years and would happily recommend him to *extreme deep voice* ANNNYYYYYBBBOOODDDYYY. Almost all his performances rank in my 'top 10' (I hate to pigeon hole but hyperbole is a useful maiden sometimes) greatest gigs. Now. I'm almost done with him. Go See Him. Capital Letters Should Not Be Used Willy Nilly.

There where two fine young comedic gentlemen by the name of The Amazing Tommy and the Weeks who were. Funny. I did the laugh out loud thing a few times as did a few others.

I can't let this go by without mentioning the Union Chapel (Project). Beautiful venue. Easy area. No complaints really, apart from the hardness of the pew-based seating which I assume adds to the whole angry religiousness of chapels/churches. I thank them for their ingenuity. It's is rare that you turn up to a place and fall in love instantly. It even induced a moment of "maybe church isn't SO bad". If I am honest, and it seems there is not point in being anything but, I am not ANTI-religion, I just do not think that it is relevant to our continually developing modern society. That is all I have to say about that.

We left after Shlo to get some food. Down the road. At a restaurant called Isarn. T.A.S.T.Y. Recommend. Pressed the iLike button in my brain. Do it

Find Something. Get Involved.

Find something. Get involved.

Now, said to the tune of Thou Shalt - Dan le sac. vs. Scroobius Pip
Go draw something.
Go sing louder in the shower.
Go help an old lady across the road.
Go make a sandwich for a homeless fella.
Go make someone's day
Go give a sad man a hug

STOP ignoring those people who you share this world with.

I think CREATION, CREATivity (not creationism) in any way shape or form are our future and our children's future. Let's push things forward.

Ok, first blog. EVER. Cliché cliché cliché. Blah blah blah about my morals and values and how this is going to change the world. You know what. If I am the only person who reads this then that's probably one person to many.

Let's face it, a bajillion (that is a empirical term for measuring blogs) blogs exist already and i am another one.

Personal mini rant:

I genuinely think there is far more to the world than pure academics. The government seems to think similar (but they've got it all wrong to be honest). They seem to be very reactionary with regard to the education system with this newfound need for vocational/skills-based educations. Yes, it is fair that they are needed and they serve an important purpose and pay well. I would say they keep people out of trouble but I've got no idea to be honest - there are two sides to every story.

So, the more than pure academics bit - I was given a strong academic education. Great. Taught me a bunch of stuff that I know a little bit about but generally not enough to have a conversation, while warping my mentality towards money of self-satisfaction. Like the Murphy's I'm not bitter. Without it I would never have had the exposure (no flashers - or maybe just none at me - is that something to be conscious of... no one has ever flashed me. why?) art, creativity, 'blue skies thinking' [Heston] - basically getting your hands dirty - physically and mentally.

"In my day" moment.

I want to be able to look back on my 20s and 30s with a smug grin. I want to know that in a world where most things are governed my how much, how soon and how often, people started to pay attention to personal happiness in a selfish semi-utopian kinda way.

Apparently every selfless act is underpinned by selfishness. Either I'm quoting someone or I am seriously on some kind of role. BUT. Those selfless acts do, in their nature, benefit others.

Gwannn, do SOMETHING.