Sunday, 24 October 2010

Katie Melua - She cried for you.

So, I'm not one to obsess about the inane. Or maybe I am. Can anyone tell me? I also think obsess is the wrong word here so again, can anyonehelp me with the right one?

Basically. I am not a big fan of Katie Melua, although I could have sworn there was an H in her name somewhere, so for me to post this is a bit of a contradiction.


This song and video is pretty freakin good.

Watch it. If you can, try and listen to it at the same time. Failing that do the two separately. I had to do this. There is no shame in it. (Also try and forget everything else you know about her).

If you can get passed the fact that her USP is that she holds the world record for deepest/lowest gig ever (doesn't she look smug in that pic) or that she has a small obsession with bicycles then you will like this as much as I do. I also accept that I am being a touch irrational.

The song beautiful AND simple and without trying too hard it evokes fairly strong emotions. Admittedly, there are massively melancholic overtones. Yes. I appreciate you aren't going to dance around your front room or walk to work skipping while listening to this BUT there is definitely a serenity - a time and a place for this passive reality check. This IS one of those fragile, life is there to be lived, don't take your loved ones for granted kinda songs.

Why do I mention the video? Well. I am a bit of a simpleton or pleb or ignoramus (yeah I did just say ignoramus) when it comes to music videos BUT this touched me for all the same reasons the song itself did. Lemme know if you think I'm wrong.

Take it easy people.

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