Thursday, 13 May 2010


I bought the new Nextmen album - Join the Dots - as well as (re-)buying Amongst the Madness for posterities sake. I was going to write about it but, I'm afraid I am not really all that enamoured with it. In an otherwise blandly semi-grimey album there are some highlights but, in the grandest of grand schemes of things. Nothing amazing.

DISCLAIMER - I like to change my mind.

I still stand by my statement of Amongst the Madness being one of my seminal (not sure if that is the right word) albums. I'll get back to you on that though.

INSTEAD. I shall review the Drowned in Sound - Great Escape playlist. Why. Because, I had not heard most of the bands on here 'til this morning. And I like talking about music. AND. My boss is in meetings all day. AAAAND I learned to embed stuff today! WooooWooooo I'm a genius.

Great Escape 2010 - DiStapebyseaninsound

Maybes by Mount Kimbie - Ambient. Lo-fi intro (I say intro, but it lasts for most of the song) then it wonders into a captivatingly choppy tin-can blip-blop beat. (see Debruit - Nigeria What?, Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma) Is alright. I've ended up listening to it a few times so far, but it's not worth getting into a long term relationship for.

Quitter's Raga by Gold Panda - COMPLETELY uninspired by them at the Barfly. THIS track however has a bit of a Marmite feel to it. Either you'll love the bunny-hopping, impossible to dance to nature of the CD-skipping sitar/shamisen feel to it, OR you'll hate the fact that it feels like the track is skipping CONTRANTLY (see Jib Kidder - The Return) Strangely Massive Attack meet Fourtet feel to the laid back beat coupled with the intricate (some might call it messy) use of noises but all in all. I like it.

Tryan Song by FOE - Is a fuzzier, slightly drunken comparison to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. It was far to easy for me to say that. Not all that impressed. (see 65Days of static... Maybe?)

A/B Machines by Sleigh Bells - So i was all like. This is boring overly stylised vocals. This'll be boring. THEN. KABLAMMY. MEATY. HEAVY. BASS. I was won over. They even add some uplifting synthed-up harmonies on the vocals. Why because they can. It's like female Animal Collective on mescaline and steroids (the angry side of steroids) having just made babies with Kap Bambino. Only thing I have heard remotely like this is Civil Civic. Instantly love this. It'sa walking down the street 'bopping' in your own head. Out on a night out, it's getting late and this appears out of nowhere suddenly it's 7am and life is good. JAWEsOME.

Young Hearts Spark Fire by Japandroids - Not a bit fan of Japandroids. Maybe I'm getting old because I would have loved this 10 years ago. On a SLIGHTLY different note. I really like We were promised Jetpacks. Check them out if you are looking for good guitar-based indie musics. Nothing personal Japandroids (i actually think you have a cool name)

Party Wounds by Rolo Tomassi - Lets face it. You're no Dillinger Escape Plan. But (there is always a but with me I suppose. I am the ultimate devil's advocate) the drums are freekin cool. Nothing unique but they stand out above the shredding riffing and the distinctly average, vaguely uninteresting vocals. All in all. Tight. Good. SLIGHTLY (infantessimally) different. Like the schizophrenic feel but not bowled over. I think I am being moody. Ask me again tomorrow

Forever Dancing by MASKS - instantly interested. It's like Bright eyes but with amps and electricity. (I can't believe I haven't mentioned Postal Service so far). This does get a bit tired after 2minutes of the same but it builds a little then does the ending to Karma Police. Omar Rodrigues need not fear for his crown of long drawn out instrumentals YET. Next song. NEXT... SONG

Devil's Show by Let's buy Happiness - Pretty. She sounds like she has a nose stud/ring. I love the meter of her phrases. It's like how Kate Nash's mum wishes she turned out. Very dreamy. Out of a mould-dreamy. I could list a bajillion soundalikes (six pence none the richer but more English with a female Coldplay-bridgey bit) but I won't. Enjoy this. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Becoming a Jackal by Villagers - WOW. When did Dave Matthews die and come back as part Fleet Foxes part Monsters of Folk hybrid? I like that. I am clutching at straws to be that whitty. I am a sucker for pretty (a word I use to often) folk music. So I like this. Hints of Simon and Garfunkel, hence the Fleet Foxes comparison, so very enjoyable if you like that kind of thing. NOTHING even close to bass. Nope. None. How much bass? None. Ok. so no much bass then. Gottit?

Dansi Dans by For a Minor Reflection - see Vanessa Carlton mainly because it has a piano-based melody. It is instrumental but severely lacking in every way that Sigur Ros isn't. The best part is the last 30seconds. I like major chord progressions couples with a crescendo and rising drums. Worth a listen? Maybe(ish)

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