So, I went to the Camden Crawl yesterday. Saw lots. Impressions... mainly non-plussed. Gutted to have missed Kap Bambino check them ooouuutttt
First and foremost. IT. WAS. MESSY.
Now to the nitty gritty.
So, I cannot deny that by the time they started, I was in all sorts of elated happiness... The day was coming to a GLORIOUS end. Speech Debelle had been and gone. She was AWESOME.
What do you get when you cross good old fashion BEATS (wooommmp) with some of the most intricately crafted words your ears will ever hear and your eyes will ever seen. In this case. a MASSIVE BEARD and a dude with some freeking cool looking gizmo's
From what I understand the queue to get in was EPIC. After claiming my 'Pip for PM' badge, I was ready. Now, forgive my lack of memory for song titles (you will come to understand this) but 'The beat the my heart skips' stood out by FAR as a pure genius crown pleaser. Great Britain and Thou Shalt also turned many people heads upside down judging from friends' accounts.
Now to them and their musics.

I happily listened to Album 1 - Angles. (Due to reasons unto myself cannot get my head round this and so I continue to call it Angels - must me a latent Robbie Williams fixation). Brilliant noises. Some pleasingly original sounds and more than enough wordiness to keep you interested and excited every time you find understanding in a new phrase... which is OFTEN.
A friend passed the Album 2 onto me – take first album, include ‘difficult second album’ cliché and then piss all over it. Make sure you drink loads of water, instant coffee and asparagus before hand to make sure that cliché gets well and truly doused. IT. IS. PHENOMENAL. If you imagine the whole of the

youth(ish) generation belting this out as they walk to work, school, flash mob beating etc. and you have a new set of commandments. And this time, these two geezers with beards are writing their own NOT using some old fella with a beard as their starting point. There is a much stronger political edge this time around BUT in an era where we all need a bit of guidance, these gentlemen provide it.
We live in a Great country - GREAT BRITAIN. Who makes the best music in the world? We do.
Lets stop taking a back seat.
Let's use our vote.
Let's use our abilities.
Lets try something for the greater good.
Lets not forget that there is a life outside our world,
Where children are aged early and young women can't be girls.
We sit at our desks, our screens and our pubs
with little a thought to those the world snubs.
You don't need to go to Africa, India or Middle East.
Go feed the homeless dudes near Old Street.
Don't believe me? Find Henryk. He's a legend...
Get him to draw you something.
In a bit people
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