CoCoRoSiE (not sure why there are the random caps in there but my fingers did it and I went with it).
The album cover of their latest says it all really
I was highly HIGHLY interested in the vocalist – INSERT NAME HERE and their blend or spirituotribal (i made that word up!!) beats, melodies and instrusments.
Smokey Taboo is an awesome second track. Weirdly haunting with a laidback dubbish (not rubbish though) beat, (slightly nasal and therefore case slight annoying) vocals. I like it.
Now I’m not a track by track kinda guy BUT here is a mini analysis.
First listened to By Your Side (La maison de mon rêve), Lemonade, and Hopscotch (both on (Grey Oceans – their latest LP release)
Lemonade – love the electorism. I love blip bloppy noises. I love the whispering, hoarse, almost deathly vocals here. Either Sierra or Blanaca are definitely on the imported Chinese fags… THEN. THEEEEN, bass section kicks in. up steps the tempo and your listening to a ditty. A DITTY of all things. HILARIOUS. Keyboards in their various forms make beautifully passive-euphoric interludes (check me out, properly feeling inspired right now)… So maybe that says it

all. They are DIFFERENT. I know that’s a bit of a bland statement but, the albums wonders, floats, hops, and wonders (again) all over. It is not a journey but more like… I’m looking for an overblown statement here… looking into the back garden (Yard) of this dueo’s upbringing. They are playing blissfully together, happy, content super comfortable with themselves and what they are doing regardless of who sees. (The discography says it all really)
There are some brilliant moments of mini-thumping, trancy style beats and chords. Lovely use of hi-hat here and there. Up tempo, down tempo lo-fi, ambient, picturesque musics. I see beautiful shades of white on white with hits of pale and bright blues.
If you feel like lying down and disappearing in your own head buy the album. If you fancy a moment of escapism. Lemonade on it’s own is an easy choice.
More of this in the world would probably result in fewer random beatings… which is probably a good thing.
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