Thursday, 6 May 2010

The poles are out... POLAR BEAR is in...

You like my shizzy attempt at a catchy tagline/headline. I am clearly hilarious. Right? If I were you, i would have stopped reading by now.

Firstly. Today's topic in class is. the wordsmith POLARBEAR.

Listen to ANY of it. BUT Jessica is an easy and obvious introduction. Says it all. Literally. (I literally hate using the word literally. Literally) Speaks the life story of a boy/lad/man using beautifully frank and detailed passion. In my opinion, you've got your unchained melodies and your million love songs BUT THIS is the anthem of modern love. I am an old romantic. So. Shoot me. This man could not explain it better. Even if i'm COMPLETELY on my own on this one, this is WHAT. I. BELIEVE IN. listen. carefully. All those woman out there who question their men. Rethink a few things. You can tell POLAR is smiling inside and out while he 'spits' this. Most fellas wish they could put it this way...

Then, along wonders MOVEs.

So words. YES. check.
Noises. YES. Check.
Natural talents... Yes. Check

Fella got skills.

Dont take this the wrong way BUT. There isnt the direct message you get from scroob BUT there is an Artic Monkeys style honesty to the stories, pictures, attitudes and images told.

His use of ProEvo is hilarious if you ask me. Maybe he more for boys than girls BUT, like i already said, he puts into words what most fellas WISH they could.

Spoken word is not a new thing. Urban poetry is not a new thing. Vocal battles are not a new thing. Their increasing prominence IS a NEW THING.

Check out OneTaste or the Albany for an into-into-all-you-need-to-know. I'll be at KoKo. So should you.

Take a look at Saul Williams and his film SLAM. This is what turned me onto this whole 'genre' (I do not like that word)(I don't like a lot of things which is why I always write about those that I do like).

Why say in ten lines what you can say in just 2.
Why say in 2 when you can shut-the-fuck-up and do.

Admitedlly, if i was able to put this into play then this would all be a bit more concise. BUT the point is there. Stop being part of the apathetic masses.

Stand up for yourself.
Stan up for those around you.
Stand up for what you believe in.
Stand up for Detroit.
Stand up if you hate Man U

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